Video: The Ultimate Hot Wheels Track–Two Stories Tall!

You know what they say: It’s never too late to have an awesome childhood. Check out this two-story Hot Wheels track for big kids that takes up much of the builder’s back yard. Whee! 



It’s impossible to know how many lifelong auto enthusiasts began with Hot Wheels, the fast, colorful, tiny toy cars introduced by the Mattel Toy Company in 1968. Starting that year with just 16 models—each one now a prized collectible—the company eventually produced more than four billion (with a b) units. Not to mention countless miles of the familiar orange track the zippy cars run on, which could be assembled in an almost infinite number of ways, limited only by a kid’s imagination.

So look what happens when some big kids get their hands on some hot wheels cars and track sections. Their layout nearly thwarts description, so we’ll just throw down a few stats. This setup is two stories in height (for maximum gravity power) and is 141 feet long. One trip of the course takes around 25 seconds, an average speed of 3.8 mph, or 244 mph in 1:64 scale. For extra fun, the crew also built a scale camera car using a 3D printer and generated some excellent GoPro footage. Now watch this.


3 thoughts on “Video: The Ultimate Hot Wheels Track–Two Stories Tall!

  1. When we were kids we all pooled our track and made a setup as big as this. it went down the slide in my buddy’s yard. The cars went like bullets.

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