Video: Meet the 1956 Chevrolet Task Force Trucks

Chevrolet offered a complete line of trucks for 1956, from pickups to heavy-duty trucks and tractors, all marketed under the name “Task Force.” Meet them here.


On March 25, 1955, Chevrolet introduced its first truly new Chevy trucks since 1947, the Task Force line, with up-to-date cab styling, V8 power, and other advances. These new trucks were titled and marketed as 1955 models for the rollout, right alongside the previous models, and so it happened there were two different truck lines on the Chevrolet dealer lots in ’55. These came to be known as the First Series (Advanced Design) and Second Series (Task Force). While the two distinct truck lines no doubt made life a little more complicated for the parts and service people at the time, it’s an interesting footnote for truck enthusiats and collectors to ponder today.

Any possible confusion was cleared up the following year as the Task Force models became the sole truck line, as featured in this 1956 television campaign. Here, we can’t help but note the totally different marketing approach for trucks, in sharp contrast to the sales pitch for passenger cars. In Chevrolet’s car spots, the focus was on style, comfort, and family fun. Over here on the truck side the message is stripped to the bone, with military music and an enumeration of the practical features. They’re telling us that here are some hard-working trucks, and they can make you some money. Video follows.


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