MCG’s 2015 Turkey Day Turkeys

Fiat TurkeyBecause we love the odd, the unusual, the obscure, the just plain bizarre in vehicular transportation, Mac’s Motor City Garage presents our annual visit to automotive wonderland: MCG’s Turkey Day Turkeys. Enjoy. 



As we note each year, the purpose with our annual Turkey Day Turkeys gallery is not to mock or ridicule the cars we feature here. Quite the contrary: We present them to express our amazement, and yes, our admiration.

In this year’s collection you will find cars by the world’s great auto designers, including Gordon Buehrig, Raymond Loewy, and Brooks Stevens. You will see the work by America’s classic custom car builders: George Barris, Gene Winfield, Joe Bailon. Other cars here were built by enthusiastic outsiders to promote a product, express an idea, or maybe just to have some fun.

If nothing else, these cars illustrate the price of being truly original: Sometimes the idea misses the mark. Or maybe the artist’s vision was ahead of or simply beyond the reach of the audience. Possibly the product was never meant to be taken too seriously in the first place. One thing we can say for sure about all these unique automotive creations: They’re fascinating. Enjoy the gallery.


3 thoughts on “MCG’s 2015 Turkey Day Turkeys

  1. Gobble Gobble! Ive ridden in the Banana-mobile. It’s a hoot. The guy is a buddy of mine, he’s building a submarine sandwich car right now. Crazy.

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