Saturday Morning CarTune: El Camino by Elizabeth Cook

Here’s singer, songwriter, and  radio host Elizabeth Cook with a song about a guy who drives an El Camino.


If you’re an El Camino enthusiast, we suspect you’re either going to love or hate this song. Elizabeth Cook is a talented and funny musical artist, and she has a particular point of view about the Chevy car-truck mashup and a guy who drives one. Personally, we have nothing against the 1959-87 El Camino whatsoever, let us be clear. We just like the song, which she recorded for her 2010 album Welder and has since become a favorite among her considerable fan following.

By the way, if you like Cook’s charming and quirky take on things, you can check out her record albums (six or seven, we think). Or her radio program, “Apron Strings,” on the Outlaw Country channel on Sirius, or her fishing show on the Circle Network, Upstream, where the guests include Shooter Jennings and Kyle Petty. Anyway, on with the program. Video below.


2 thoughts on “Saturday Morning CarTune: El Camino by Elizabeth Cook

  1. Don’t have an opinion on this song, but I did have a ’72 El Camino. While not a dyed in the wool Chevy fan, it remains a favorite of the many used vehicles I’ve owned throughout the years. It hauled work crews, tools, products and people, and served me well. My cousin and I drove the 350 4 speed Elkie from Central NY to Oregon in 1975. Wouldn’t mind having another.

  2. El Caminos are great, haul stuff, even dirty stuff while you ride in comfort. The cab says yeah baby come along… with a bench seat I might even be talked into a threesome if you’ve got an adventurous girlfriend. But no back seat for kids, mothers, or your peevish snarky entourage. Its refuge from ordinary.

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