Saturday Morning CarTune: Drivin’ Around Song

Danica Patrick, Ricky Stenhouse, Jr. and Colt Ford deal us this morning’s CarTune, “Drivin’ Around Song.” 


MCG is going to come right out and say it: He can’t stand this song. To him, this stuff represents everything that’s currently wrong with country pop music. Auto-Tune? Really?

That said, MCG understands that it’s not all about him. The world of music is bigger than his admittedly traditional tastes. Who knows, maybe gooberized hip-hop ripoff is considered an important genre these days.

“Drivin’ around Song” is presented here for its newsworthiness. The video just dropped this week, it is indeed about driving around, and it features NASCAR drivers Danica Patrick and Ricky Stenhouse, Jr. Accordingly, all the racers and gearheads around here will be wanting to see it, so here it is.


7 thoughts on “Saturday Morning CarTune: Drivin’ Around Song

  1. Maybe it’s time to let SMCT go, Mac. Last weeks was a stinker, and now this. Better to just pension it off and remember all the good ones than run vomit like this.

  2. see it yes, hear it no. yes it is a car tune, what a stretch . My ears will burn until next week.

  3. The hell?
    Country rap?

    That wasn’t an earthquake you felt, that was Hank Sr spinning in his grave.

  4. I’ll be the lone dissenter. Neither country nor rap is a genre that I listen to often but the genre is intriguing and an indicator that the worm has turned and rap has replaced rock just as rock replaced big band.

    It’s not a terrific song but I liked it. The sentiment echoes a ton of those older songs that folks prefer. It’s got pretty girls in skimpy but not trashy clothing. It’s got celebrities and everything is about celebrities these days. The vocoder vocals suck, but that’s the trend, what are ya gonna do?

    Sure, if I want to hear country songs about driving, I’d rather hear Robert Earl Keen or Junior Brown but obesely people who can’t carry a tune need love too. SMCT is my least favorite feature here, mostly because I’ve heard most of the tunes before and because I come here for cars not music. But I don’t want it to go away.

    Everybody is taking an unyielding position on things these days and it’s tiring. The whole damn country has gone to hell. One of the great things about Top 40 radio is that they played everything. You may not have liked all of it but there was always a country or folk or hard rock song that you thought was OK. And that’s why the Sixties were better than now. We all allowed just a little bit of compromise and acceptance into our lives.

    You’re old, I’m old. And just like our parents, we’re griping about how that stuff isn’t even music. You’re not supposed to enjoy it. Music is one of the ways that we define generations. Maybe Mac can dig up Chuck Berry’s “My Mustang Ford” for us old-timers next week. Let’s get back to bitching about how all cars look the same these days.

  5. My IQ just dropped several points and, trust me, they were points I couldn’t afford to lose. Yes, I hated (strong but accurate sentiment) this song but I applaud MCG for posting it in an attempt to expand our musical horizons. I guess my biggest disappointment is that an artist named after two cars could create such a bad example of “gooberized hip-hop ripoff”.

  6. Nobody hates the song more than I do. It’s posted because it’s news. Two big NASCAR stars are featured in a new video about driving around. How do you NOT feature it?

  7. What if the singer was a slim, good looking man? And his partner was a fat slob of a woman (no, no beard)? Couldn’t be any sillier I guess…

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